Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shift Syntax to Strengthen Sentences

Shift Syntax to Strengthen Sentences Shift Syntax to Strengthen Sentences Shift Syntax to Strengthen Sentences By Mark Nichol English syntax is flexible, enabling writers to shape a given sentence in various ways, and we should take advantage of this lack of rigidity to enhance the impact of our statements. Here are several sentences that benefit from rearrangement. 1. â€Å"Complex adaptive systems can respond more quickly the more complex they are.† This sentence is clear and straightforward, but it would be stronger with a shift in emphasis. What’s the key point? Speed increases as complex adaptive systems become more complex. This revision begins with the key point, but it’s often more effective to withhold significant information until the end of a sentence: â€Å"The more complex that adaptive systems are, the more quickly they can respond.† 2. â€Å"It’s the world of impressions, in which we can do no wrong, not the world of action.† In the previous example, the distinctions between the three variations of the statement were minimal, although the key point popped out more in the suggested revision. In this case, however, the statement begins vigorously, peaks in the middle, and limps to a close, and the key point is relegated to a parenthetical statement that separates two elements of a contrast. Reorganize the sentence by establishing the contrast and culminating with the conclusion: â€Å"It’s the world of impressions, not the world of action, in which we can do no wrong.† 3. â€Å"America should rely on the entrepreneurship and goodness of its citizens to be a great society, not on the well-intentioned but ineffective policies of government agencies.† Again, the heart of a sentence is buried in its middle, and the juxtaposition of the two approaches is interrupted. This sentence makes an assertion about how the United States can be a great society, and that final phrase should punctuate, not be buried in the midst of, the statement. Here are two variations that, as in the previous example, introduce a contrast and then ride the momentum of that tension to drive home the argument: â€Å"The United States should rely on the entrepreneurship and goodness of its citizens, not on the well-intentioned but ineffective policies of government agencies, to be a great society,† or â€Å"The United States should rely not on the well-intentioned but ineffective policies of government agencies but on the entrepreneurship and goodness of its citizens to be a great society.† Note how one variant is internally punctuated and the other isn’t. In the first alternative, the counterpoint, the phrase beginning with not, is parenthetical it could be omitted without affecting the coherence of the sentence. In the second revision, the two elements of the contrast are an integrated thought, and there is no parenthesis. If the second element of the contrast were omitted, the sentence would read, â€Å"The United States should rely not on the well-intentioned but ineffective policies of government agencies to be a great society† an incomplete statement. Insertion or omission of punctuation can change meaning. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comparative Forms of Adjectives41 Words That Are Better Than GoodPresent Participle as Adjective

Friday, November 22, 2019

Que es WIC y como solicitar esta ayuda para nutrición

Que es WIC y como solicitar esta ayuda para nutricià ³n WIC es un programa de ayuda para que embarazadas, lactantes, mams recientes, infantes y nià ±os menores de 5 aà ±os  puedan adquirir alimentos y asà ­ asegurar una buena nutricià ³n. En este artà ­culo se explica quià ©nes pueden beneficiarse, cà ³mo solicitar esta ayuda y sus posibles efectos migratorios. Quà © personas pueden calificar para esta ayuda Mujeres embarazadasMujeres que alimentan con leche materna  durante el primer aà ±o del bebà ©Mujeres que recià ©n tuvieron a su hijo durante los seis meses  siguientes al parto o finalizà ³ el embarazo y que no alimentan con leche maternaInfantes menores de un aà ±oNià ±os/as menores de cinco aà ±os Quà © requisitos de ingresos se piden Este beneficio es para las personas mencionadas que tienen pocos ingresos. Pero,  ¿cun pocos? La respuesta es que depende del estado en el que se vive. La ley federal  Ã‚  dice que pueden beneficiarse las personas que vivan en un hogar familia con ingresos inferiores al 185 por ciento de lo que cada aà ±o se establece  como là ­nea de la pobreza. Sin embargo, algunos estados permiten recibir estos beneficios aunque se tengan ingresos superiores, como por ejemplo el 100 por 100 de la là ­nea de la pobreza, por lo que hay que comprobar la norma que aplica. Adems, si se recibe ayuda por otros beneficios como por ejemplo Medicaid, TANF o SNAP se puede calificar automticamente para WIC. Quà © requisito de estatus migratorio es necesario para calificar para WIC No es necesario tener estatus migratorio legal (es decir, pueden aplicar los indocumentados). Tampoco es necesario ser residente permanente ni ciudadano. Otros requisitos para calificar para WIC Todos los aplicantes de WIC deben pasar consulta y someterse a un anlisis de sangre con un nutricionista, mà ©dico o enfermera, que es quien tienen que declarar que dichas personas estn en situacià ³n de riesgo nutricional. Por ejemplo, porque pesa menos de lo considerado normal, tiene anemia, sigue una dieta pobre y no saludable o, en el caso de mujeres embarazadas, tienen un historial de embarazos problemticos. Adems, durante el proceso de certificacià ³n se verificar si los nià ±os e infantes han recibido las vacunas mà ­nimas. En el caso de que su calendario de vacunacià ³n no està © completo se le referir a un centro sanitario para recibirlas. Recibir el WIC,  ¿puede perjudicar para otro tipo de beneficios migratorios? Este punto es importante porque las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n o los consulados pueden negar a una persona:  si se considera que dicha persona puede convertirse en una carga pà ºblica (public charge, en inglà ©s). Por lo tanto, en estos casos se podrà ­a poner en riesgo situaciones como: la aprobacià ³n de una visala autorizacià ³n para reingresar a los Estados Unidosla aprobacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia (green card)adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a mediante el trmite de naturalizacià ³n. Pero es muy importante tener claro que WIC no afecta a la declaracià ³n de carga pà ºblica. Es decir, se puede solicitar y aceptar este beneficio, siempre y cuando se cumplan los requisitos, sin temor a que afecte en el futuro en asuntos migratorios.   Esto es asà ­ tambià ©n en otro tipo de beneficios pà ºblicos en los que no hay entrega de dinero, como por ejemplo cupones de alimentos (food stamps) o vivienda pà ºblica. Quà © se puede recibir si este beneficio es aprobado En la mayorà ­a de los estados los beneficiarios reciben cheques, vouchers o una tarjeta (EBT) para la compra de determinado tipo de alimentos como por ejemplo leche, huevos, jugos, peanut butter, cereales, frà ­joles, vegetales, fruta, pan integral y comidas para bebà ©s. Si bien esta forma de acceso a WIC es la ms comà ºn, en algunos estados todavà ­a se distribuyen cajas de alimentos entre los beneficiados. En algunos casos hay que ir a buscarlas a un almacà ©n, en otros se envà ­an a las casas de los beneficiarios. Adems, se intenta potenciar la lactancia materna, mediante ayuda para enseà ±ar los mejores mà ©todos para practicarla y tambià ©n alargando el tiempo que se puede recibir este beneficio para las madres que alimentan a sus bebà ©s con su propia leche. Sin embargo, cuando à ©sta no es una opcià ³n se puede comprar fà ³rmula para lactantes, que tiene que ser la marca que establece cada estado.   Cà ³mo se solicita el WIC Se aplica en el estado en el que se reside y en la oficina que corresponde al lugar de residencia. Aquà ­ est la lista de telà ©fonos gratuitos a los que marcar en cada estado para solicitar una cita. Adems, aquà ­ est la lista de la oficina central en cada estado, con correo electrà ³nico para comunicarse y enlace a la pgina oficial estatal, con los sus requisitos (incluye Puerto Rico y otros territorios, el Distrito de Columbia y las tribus de las naciones indà ­genas). A tener muy en cuenta En ocasiones, a pesar de calificar no se puede recibir el WIC. Esto es asà ­ cuando en una agencia local que gestiona este programa se ha llegado al là ­mite permitido. En estos casos se establece un sistema de prioridades sobre quià ©n debe recibir la ayuda y quià ©n no. A consecuencia de ello, algunas personas podrà ­an quedar excluidas. Segà ºn los à ºltimos datos, el aà ±o pasado se beneficiaron de este programa 7,696,439 personas. El coste del programa en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal, pendiente de datos finales, fue de $1,946,286,967 incluidos gastos de alimentacià ³n y administrativos. De interà ©s para padres y madres En Estados Unidos est estadà ­sticamente demostrado que la calidad de la educacià ³n que recibe un nià ±o es muy importante para su futuro. Por esta razà ³n se recomienda informarse sobre los aspectos bsicos de cà ³mo funciona el sistema educativo y cules son las opciones. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Software and Internet Industry in the Global Economy Assignment - 1

Software and Internet Industry in the Global Economy - Assignment Example In the internet industry players like Yahoo, and Bing has majority of market share, especially in search engine segment. Companies like SAP, Oracle, Sage, AG, etc are the successful players in the industry who provide business process solutions in production, marketing, finance, etc (Blythe, 2009). The political and legal factors are the external environmental factors which have a significant impact on the computer software and internet industry. The political factors ascertain the interest or focus of the government towards outsourcing information technology (IT) assistance, software, etc. This also affects the job opportunities and national income. The multinational software and internet companies operate from various countries, and regulations are developed for these companies by the government based on the existing legal framework. These are also known as cyber regulations. Companies failing to abide by the cyber guideline of different countries have also faced penalties like the cancellation of their license to trade in the respective country (Factor, 2013). Google faced pressure from the Department of Justice in order to abandon their search terms, and censor the search results from the Government of China. Apart from this, the demand of the government to abide by the privacy policies were also considered and in 2008, Google started responding to the concerns of the customers by adding a link to the home page that will directly take them to the privacy center and show Google’s policies for privacy and security. The political trend affects the subsidies, tax holiday, or rule relaxations, which also affect the sources of revenue generation for a country. Countries like India outsource maximum IT services for countries like US, UK, or Australia (Google, 2013).Google Inc considers mergers and accusations to be one of the ways to sustain in business. In this process, they purchase DoubleClick for $3.1 billion in 2007 and were also looking forward to buying out SimplyHired (Jackson, 2012).  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Professional organization Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Professional organization - Coursework Example There will also be a vendor fair where professionals will be given a chance to showcase their services and technologies, which they can apply in their workplaces or academic institutions. This is an important event, which will give me an opportunity to share ideas with other professionals and improve on my career. For instance, during the fair, I will teach the participants on ways in which wearable technologies can be integrated with other forms of technology to enhance learning objectives and provide mobility. This is a an exceptional occasion that will bring practitioners, policy-makers, and researchers together to explore the field of technology, ways it can be improved, and some of the regulations that should be applied. Today, for nations to cope with competition and grow successfully, it is indispensable for experts and entrepreneurs to contribute in a humanistic and sustainable way, using innovative as well as advanced technology. Sharing and production of such knowledge is essential in tackling social and business related needs; hence, this conference is aimed at doing exactly that. Therefore, attending this monumental event will not only be an individual advantage but will also go a long way in improving the organization and guaranteeing a competitive edge in an era where technological changes are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Math in Basketball Essay Example for Free

Math in Basketball Essay When I am upset, all I crave is bacon. It seems to bring out the good in everything. The sky is brighter when I eat bacon; the grass is greener; the glass is half full. Bacon just makes everything seem alright. I feel reenergized. Alert. Happy. Bacon is my substance of choice for mood-enhancement, as it optimally raises my dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine levels with no negative effects besides a little weight gain that is easily avoided by the addition of exercise. From an evolutionary stand point, bacon is the ideal food. Back in the day, before there were nutritionists and people ate to survive, cravings were responsible for encouraging the right balance of carbs to fats to proteins as well as the consumption of all necessary vitamins and minerals. Protein, which is found primarily in meat, proved to be one of the hardest nutrients for the ancient human being to find, since they would have to hunt animals in order to obtain it. Because of its importance to the humans diet and its difficulty to obtain, the reward system for proteins tends to be much stronger than that for any other nutrient. Carbs may result in an increased level of serotonin, but proteins release tyrosine into the blood stream which causes the release of massive amounts of dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. Bacon also has a great fat to protein ratio. Fats are another crucial nutrient because they are effectively concentrated, stored carbs which can be converted into ATP for energy on a cellular level. Containing nine Calories of energy per gram, one gram of fat is enough to sustain an average person in an inactive, waking state for ten minutes, though it may only last me a few seconds when I am riding my horse, Kaptain. This means that the average slice of bacon can sustain the average person for about one whole hour. Maybe twenty-four slices of bacon a day is not the most healthy diet, due to its lack of carbs, vitamins, and minerals, but on a sad, dreary, rainy day, that is pretty close to what I would eat. I would probably add some eggs, pastries, orange juice, and multi-vitamins to the mix in order to have a more balanced diet, but I would definitely feel pretty comforted and happy. Just thinking about a warm, crunchy, greasy, delicious plate of bacon with a side of steaming chocolate chip pancakes is triggering my lateral hypothalamus. My pituitary gland is already telling my mouth to water, my stomach to growl and prepare digestive enzymes, and releasing the hunger hormone ghrelin. Today may not be a sad, dreary, or rainy day, but I am still craving bacons crunchy goodness. Luckily, I can somewhat control my bacon cravings and I have a fast metabolism, or else Im sure my horse would be suffering from intense back problems.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Atkins Diet Essays -- Weight Loss Health Nutrition Papers

The Atkins Diet:Too Good to be True? The American population is fat. What’s worse, we are getting fatter. For many years, a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or more (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) was the standard criteria for being overweight, and a BMI of 30 or more was the criteria for obesity. This meant that more than one third of U.S. adults were overweight. In recent years the criteria has been reduced to a BMI of 25 or more to be considered overweight, with the obesity criteria remaining the same. Now, more than 50% of U.S. adults are classified as being overweight. Interestingly, as the number of overweight individuals skyrockets, so too does the number of various diets that Americans are willing to try in their search for the thin standard that our culture idolizes. One of the most popular, and many claim successful, of the conglomerate of diets is the Atkins protein diet, named after its founder and guru Dr. Robert C. Atkins. With more than six million copies in print, Dr. Atkinsâ €™ New Diet Revolution proclaims to be "the amazing no-hunger weight-loss plan that has helped millions lose weight and keep it off" (Atkins). Sounds great, but what is this diet, and is it too good to be true? How does the diet work? The purpose of the Atkins diet is to change one’s metabolism and lose weight easily by eating foods high in protein and limiting foods high in carbohydrates, which tend to raise blood sugar levels the most. The diet works on the principle of ketosis – the process by which excess, stored body fat (the body’s secondary energy source) is burned, resulting in weight loss. A background understanding of the body’s natural energy system helps to understand Atkins’ rationale. Diets high i... ... National Cholesterol Education Program, and the American Cancer Society who endorse a diet that is composed of 10% to 15% protein, 55% to 60% carbohydrates, and 25% to 30% fat. The entire process of ketosis is suspect, and may cause fatigue, nausea, and lead to dehydration and loss of potassium, which consequently may affect cardiac function. Other less serious symptoms of a ketone-producing diet are general tiredness, abrupt or gradually increasing weakness, dull headache, abdominal pain, increased breathing, nausea and vomiting, and bad breath. A lifestyle consisting of daily exercise and balanced nutrition is one diet that will never go out of style. The weight may not miraculously melt off, as diets such as Atkins claim to happen, but it is more likely that in 5 years you will maintain your weight loss, whatever it is, and you will be healthier in the process.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Brazil and India business environment comparison Essay

The United States and Brazil entered into a common agreement targeting to improve democracy in the Western Hemisphere and to bring an accelerated growth in regional trade and development so that the governments of the region can ensure its citizens better scope for greater prosperity. (Common Goals and Challenges in Brazil-US’s Agenda) The prospects for conducting business in Brazil are tremendous in view of its 150 million possible consumers, a hugely diversified economy and a gross domestic product worth of US$447 billion. However, till the nation attains improved market and economic reforms, majority of the opportunities for US companies are prone to hover around particular sectors and projects. (Jennings, 14) The closed markets and heavy government interventions marked the economic development of Brazil during the last thirty years. During the 1960s and 1970s, such policies of import substitution and huge levels of international debt generated accelerated growth and industrialization however, giving rise to long term problems like long term economic difficulties, inclusive of high inflation, foreign debt difficulties and non-competitive industries. During the year 1990 the Government of Brazil initiated remarkable market liberalization measures including reduction of trade and investment barriers, declining import duties over 100% to a high of 35% inclusive of an average of 14%. Market liberalization also incorporated several tax and regulatory variations that have been of advantage to the foreign investors. The reduction of taxes on profit remittances and simplification of procedures and withdrawal of some of the disincentives to reinvest the profits have provided increasing scope for business activities in Brazil. As a result, the trend of the reaction of US companies was seen to be remarkable. (Jennings, 14) US companies exported goods of worth $6 billion enabling Brazil to be among the top 20 export markets of the world. The United States tends to maintain the position of being the single country supplier to Brazil constituting about one-third of the total of the Brazilian imports. The telecommunication and informatics market of Brazil extends fabulous prospective for US business, for the equipment manufacturers as well as for the service providers. The Telecommunication sector provides a market worth of $3 billion in Brazil. The US companies have presently extended limited involvement in the telecommunication sector and are exploiting the benefits of extending private networks as well as equipments. The energy sector in Brazil also entails good prospects for US technology as well as equipment. The current agreements and subsequent legislations at higher government levels and the private sectors assures for future prospects. The US equipment manufacturers are encouraged to actually take benefit of the opportunities that already prevail and are prone to expand with regard to the internal demand that promotes the expansion of this sector. (Jennings, 15) The Indian markets along with its over one billion population, provides profitable as well as diverse opportunities for US exporters with the right kind of products, services as well as commitment. Such opportunities are accelerated with the depreciation of dollar in the recent years in relation to its competitive currencies. The infrastructure, high-tech, energy, health care, environmental, transportation as well as defense sector are prone to surpass the tens of billions of dollars mark in the mid-term as the Indian economy tend to globalize as well as emerge stronger. In the year 2005, the total bilateral trade was $26. 77 billion. The US exports to India in 2005 was enhanced to $7. 96 billion, which was a 30. 3 percent growth in comparison to the previous year. (India – Market of the month) The potentiality of India for US companies is promising since India is the second largest small car market of the world; India is one among the three countries that manufactures its own supercomputers; India is the one among the six nations that is able to launch its own satellites and; India is having the second biggest group of software developers immediately after the US. The Indo-US relation is presently growing through a remarkable transition. The two nations which were having a gap between them in political and economic terms during the latter part of the 20th century, presently consider their national goals converging on several areas. (India – Market of the month) Indian tariffs have been decreased considerably since the early part of the 1990s. Irrespective of the fact that the tariff and poor infrastructure entails remarkable challenges for foreign investment and development, the infrastructure needs in India also entail trade and investment facilities for US companies. The best prospects for US firms and US exports on the basis of estimated Indian imports from the US has been earmarked to be â€Å"Airport & Ground Handling, Computer and Peripherals, Education Services, Electrical Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution Equipment, Food Processing & Cold Storage Equipment, Oil & Gas Field Machinery, Pollution Control Equipment, Safety and security equipment, Telecommunication equipment, Textile Machinery, water etc†. (India – Market of the month) Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State for United States and Celso Amorim, Brazilian Foreign Minister in their meeting on 26th April, 2005 in Brazil had a discussion in relation to the common agenda of the two nations as well as that of the unique challenges which were confronting the entire hemisphere. (Common Goals and Challenges in Brazil-US’s Agenda) Brazil as well as Argentina poses certain particular business challenges to be confronted by the US firms. For example, legal provisions with regard to importing technology materials require payment of duties, tariffs and a value added tax — VAT which is as much as 22 percent of the total cost in Brazil. The business is even more complex in Brazil due to the variation of importation laws from one province to another. The fluctuating currency exchange rates as well as local economic issues pose grave challenges for conducting business. (Business Spotlight: Arrow South America) Franklin L. Lavin, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi on May 1st, 2006 remarked that the Indo-US relationship have improved on many fields and have great prospects in the sphere of trade. However, US face remarkable challenges as well. Irrespective of the fact that India has exhibited good trade statistics and the progress in the sphere of economic reforms and are opening markets during the last one and half decade there still need to be improvement in several spheres in order to reflect India’s important part in the world economy. The economic philosophies of Fabian socialism as well as third world nationalism are holding India hostage for many years. As a result of this it has been pointed out that even with 30 percent growth in US exports to India during the last year, India could constitute only 1 percent of all exports of US. The economic reforms in India is in relation to world reforms as a result of this the momentum of India is not impressive in the context of the competition for global attention. (Remarks by Franklin L. Lavin Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi) The annual US exports of $8 billion dollar is what the US ships to Canada within two weeks. In terms of the US foreign direct investment in India the cumulative figure is only $6. 2 billion at the end of 2004, US being the largest investor while the US FDI in Singapore remains amounts to be $56. 9 billion. Irrespective of the fact that tariff for non-agricultural products have significantly reduced, it still remains at 40% in case of agricultural products. The vibrant IPR regime is considered critical to the enhancement of a creative, technologically advanced economy. Irrespective of the fact that India has opened up a silver of its retail sector to foreign investment, presently, the sector is still considered to be closed to most of the American retailers. US companies required to obviate the aggressive competition exerted by the companies from Europe, Canada, Korea and Japan by knowing how to adapt their products as well as facilitate their activities in order to take advantage of the huge potential in India. (Remarks by Franklin L. Lavin Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi) The trading companies are generally prone to four types of risk such as strategic risk, operational risks, internal financial risks and compliance risks. (Sadgrove, 83) The trading risks in Brazil are considered substantially greater in comparison to the developed nations. The political risks like dismissal or appointment of a key government minister can exert influence on the value of the share of the company to have fluctuations. The purchase of shares of Brazilian companies is subject to increasing risks of fluctuations in the exchange rates that may exert considerable losses. Exchange rates also have a tremendous impact on the profitability. Inflationary trends also influence much on the profitability by making the services of the company more expensive. (Sands, 27) For US Government, for over several years Brazil has been a bastion of anti communism while the other states of South America seem to be leaning towards communistic. Moreover, the US companies in Brazil never desire to take the risk by means of their operations being disrupted by that of the shipping turmoil. (Fitzgerald, 20) The US companies engaged in outsourcing of their software development to India are prone to be hurt by the industrial espionage and poor intellectual property safeguards. However, India is seen to have a far outstanding cultural and legal climate for IP protection than many other nations offering offshore coding. (Pedraja; Toman, 164) References Business Spotlight: Arrow South America. Retrieved from http://www. arrow. com/media_center/news/BusinessSpotlightArrowSouthAmerica. htm Accessed 11 December, 2006 Common Goals and Challenges in Brazil-US’s Agenda. 27 April, 2005. Retrieved from http://www. brazzilmag. com/content/view/2207/ Accessed 10 December, 2006 Fitzgerald, Michael. Intellectual property protection. CIO Magazine. 15 November, 2003. pp: 18-21 India – Market of the month. US Commercial Service India. Retrieved from http://www. buyusa. gov/india/en/motm. html? print=1 Accessed 10 December, 2006 Jennings, Horace. Brazil: slowly emerging giant offers enormous potential. Business America. March, 1994. Vol: 115; No: 3; pp: 14-16. Pedraja, Rene de La; Toman, Rene De La Pedraja. Latin American Merchant Shipping in the Age of Global Competition. Greenwood Press. 1999. Remarks by Franklin L. Lavin Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, American Chamber of Commerce, New Delhi. 1 May, 2006. Retrieved from http://www. ita. doc. gov/press/speeches/lavin_050106. asp Accessed 11 December, 2006 Sadgrove, Kit. The Complete Guide to Business Risk Management. Gower Publishing, Ltd. 2005. Sands, Gary. The Risks and Rewards of Investing in Brazil. Brazzil Magazine. 23 March, 2005. pp: 27-30

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Physics Friction Lab

Friction Page 1 Lab: Friction William Morris Leo Hayes High School Friction Page 2 Purpose: To investigate the coefficient of friction for a given surface and the effects that factors such as weight, surface area and changes to the surface have on the coefficient of friction. Hypothesis: The smaller the amount of normal force (weight), the less friction created and the least surface area and the greaser the surface the less friction is created. With the increase in normal force corresponding with the increase in friction should balance out â€Å"mu†. Materials: Spring scale, string, 4 textbooks, PledgeProcedure: 1. Using a spring scale and some string we hooked through the pages of the text book to find the weight to find the weight of each text book we used and then recorded it. 2. We pulled the first text book across the table then estimated the amount of force we needed to apply to the scale attached to the text book to move it at a constant speed and then recorded our gues s. 3. Using the string and spring scale we pulled the text book across the table at a constant speed keeping the string parallel to the surface of the table and then recorded the data. . From this measured force below, we determined the frictional force that had acted upon the book as we pulled it across the table. 5. Then we pulled the book across the table once more at a different constant speed to ensure accurate friction readings. 6. From the weights of the text book we found earlier we determined the normal force acting on the text book as we pulled it across the table and then recorded it below. 7. We added the second text book, (B), to the first one and pulled them across the table again recording their force of friction. 8.We then repeated this procedure twice more adding a text book each time as recorded below. 9. We then pulled text book, A, on its spine across the table at a constant speed recording the force from the scale. 10. We pledged the table and rubbed it thorough ly with a cloth and then repeated only step 3 on this pledged surface and recorded the force required. Friction Page 3 Questions: 1. Compare the books weight with the force required to pull it horizontally at a constant speed. Which one is larger? In all cases the normal force is larger than the force of friction. 2.It always takes more force to start an object than to keep it moving at a constant speed. Why? Friction is caused by tiny scratches in the smoothness of a surface. The rougher a surface is, the rougher it feels. And the rougher a pair of surfaces are, the harder it is for them to slide past each other. The tiny rough edges grab hold of each other and lock the surfaces into place, so that it takes a great deal of force to make them move. That's the static friction you're trying to overcome. Once you get the surfaces moving the rough edges are already dislodged and as long as you don't stop, they won't have a chance to lock again.Therefore, it's easier to keep something mo ving once you've started than it would be to stop and start again. 3. Does it take more force to move an object at a higher constant speed than a slower constant speed? In our lab the force seemed to stay the same. This could have something to do with our sources of error. The lab did not reveal this. 4. The force of friction was found in part 3. Would it be more or less if you pulled the text book across: (a) Ice(b) Sand(c) Rough Concrete(d) Waxed Floor How is the force of friction affected by changing the surface from smooth to rough? a) Less friction (b) More friction (c) More friction (d) More friction A rough surface has more grooves to grab than a smooth surface therefore creating more friction. Friction Page 4 5. Does the force of friction depend on the speed of motion? In our lab it was impossible to figure this out due to our sources of error. 6. Write an equation showing the relationship between the force of friction and the normal force. Use this equation to calculate the coefficient of friction for each set of readings. 7. What are the units for â€Å"mu† , the coefficient of friction?There is no unit measurement for the coefficient of friction. 8. Plot a full page graph of the force of friction verse the normal force. See graph on following page for the force of friction verse the normal force. 9. Based on your graph what is the relationship between the coefficient of friction verse the normal force. The relationship between the coefficient of friction verse the normal force is such that the coefficient is the same because the increase in normal force corresponds with the then increase in friction creating the same â€Å"mu†. 10.How do the coefficients of friction compare for each of your five trials in the data table? Is this how they should be? With a smoother surface the friction is lowered therefore lowering â€Å"mu†. This is how it should be. Friction Page 5 Data/Results: Books| Normal Force| Friction|  µ| A| 10. 5 N| 2. 5 N| 0. 24| A + B| 20. 5 N| 5. 0 N| 0. 24| A + B + C| 31. 5 N| 7. 5 N| 0. 24| A + B + C + D| 42. 5 N| 10. 0 N| 0. 24| Book A on spine| 10. 5 N| 2. 0 N| 0. 20| Books A on Pledged Surface| 10. 5 N| 2. 0 N| 0. 20| Books| Normal Force (weight)| A| 10. 5 N| B| 10. 0 N|C| 11. 0 N| D| 11. 0 N| Discussion: There are several sources of error in this lab. One being the scales not being accurate and there is no way to fix this except to purchase new scales each time. Another could be the angle we are pulling the book from. There is no way for us to be exactly sure if this force is exactly parallel with the table. When finding our normal force we do not take into consideration the weight of the string and this cannot be fixed as our scales are not this precise. It is unknown if our hand was completely steady while finding our normal force.This could result in our normal force being inaccurate. There is no way to fix this as we are not robots. The same is true for finding the force of frictio n as we are not sure we are pulling the book(s) at the same constant speed. Conclusion: After the lab I found my hypothesis to be true in that the smaller the amount of normal force (weight), the less friction created and the least surface area and the greaser the surface the less friction was created. With the increase in normal force corresponding with the increase in friction it balanced out â€Å"mu†.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Role of the Supreme Court, Government, Economics, and Protests in the Civil Rights Movement

The Role of the Supreme Court, Government, Economics, and Protests in the Civil Rights Movement There were four different elements that contributed to the success of the Civil Rights Movement: the Supreme Court, the Government, the economic situation of the time, and the protests of the movement. The role, which the Supreme Court's played in the success of the civil rights movement, was essentially one of neutrality. The Supreme Court ordered the segregation of schools and other public facilities, known as the policy of separate but equal. But the Supreme Court, also, declared the separate but equal laws unconstitutional and ordered desegregation. The different parts of the United States government played different roles. John F Kennedy and the executive branch helped to protect the nonviolent protesters from violent acts against them as well as issuing executive orders, such as banning employment discrimination. Congress helped by passing laws in favor of the black, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, one of the great victories in the Civil Rights movement.Civil Rights Act o f 1964The economics of the day placed many blacks in ghettos in the north, this situation allowed them to organize themselves to protest segregation. The protests of the movement showed the country how the black were treated and that all they wanted was to be treated fairly, the protests also allowed them to make themselves a nuisance for the police and government to deal with.The Supreme Court made some of the major decisions that instituted segregation in the late 1800s and some of the major decisions that brought about integration in the 1950s. In 1896, with the court case of Plessy v Ferguson the Supreme court decided to segregate "intrastate railcars" between white and black (Constitutional). "This decision legitimized the segregation of American society under the 'Separate but Equal' doctrine" (Constitutional). Then in 1954 with the court case of Brown v Board of...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Prepositions for the Perplexed

Prepositions for the Perplexed Prepositions for the Perplexed Prepositions for the Perplexed By Maeve Maddox Judging by the comments on the When to use on and when to use in post, I wasnt the only one to get out of school with less than a complete grasp of what a preposition is or does. When I was in high school, I never could pick out prepositional phrases. Oh, I memorized the lists of prepositions like in, on, up, with, to, and from. I just couldnt figure out how they worked in a sentence. After all, some of the words in the list could also be used as adverbs: I went to the river and jumped in. A word isnt anything until it is used in a sentence. It wasnt until I started teaching English that I finally got prepositions. Prepositions are joining words. They join something to a noun (or pronoun). George V was King of England. The preposition of joins the noun King to the noun England. The joining adds information to the noun King. The boy played in the water. The preposition in joins the verb played to the noun water. The joining conveys where the playing took place. The boy in the water is my brother. Here the preposition in joins the noun boy to the noun water. This joining identifies a particular boy, distinguishing him from a possible boy on the beach or boy in the boat. Prepositions are said to govern nouns (or pronouns). The usual position of a preposition is in front of the noun it governs. A prepositional phrase is the preposition and its noun, plus all the words that come between. Sometimes a prepositional phrase consists of just the preposition and the noun (or pronoun) that it governs: This book is by Tolstoy. (preposition by, noun Tolstoy) Sometimes the phrase has several words between the preposition and the noun governed: We went to the new outlet mall. (preposition to, noun mall) Prepositional phrases function as parts of speech. The boy in the water is my brother. (in the water tells more about boy.' The phrase functions as an adjective describing boy. Hes the in-the-water boy.) The dog is swimming in the water. (in the water tells where the swimming is taking place. The phrase functions as an adverb modifying swimming.) Although the preposition usually comes before the noun it governs, English permits us to place the preposition at the end of a sentence. (Purists abhor this construction, but it is very natural in English.) Ex. Whose house do you want to meet at? (The prepositional phrase is at whose house.) By the way, it is this practice that is contributing to the decline of whom as the object form of who. The ear recognizes the need for whom when to precedes it, but not when the to is far removed: Who do you want to speak to? as opposed to To whom do you wish to speak? As for wanting rules that will explain every prepositional expression such as in the army, on the team, at the hour, or in a monthsave your energy. They dont exist. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two PeopleEmail Etiquette20 Clipped Forms and Their Place (If Any) in Formal Writing

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Frankenstein-Vol.3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Frankenstein-Vol.3 - Essay Example In brief, Victor who is the creator of an evil creature now wants to get rid of him but he could not do so as the creature has constantly kept an eye on him. The creature wants Victor to create a female for him just like he created him joining pieces of several corpses. He gets threatening notes from the creature that in case of failure to do so; the creature will not let Victor marry Elizabeth. Victor has become the creatures "slave," and his life is entirely of the creatures design. It is no longer clear who is the creator, who the creation. Victor, after experiencing several phases of fear and depression within him decides to fulfill the desire of the creature but Frankenstein is repulsed by the thought that the two monsters might beget children; thereby creating a new race that could ultimately destroy all humanity. Victor decides that unleashing such a bane upon mankind would be of the utmost selfishness and tears the half finished creature (bride of creature) into pieces. The c reature upon knowing about the broken promise intimidate Victor with a chilling promise that the creature would be with him on his wedding night. The creature murdered his friend ‘Henry’ and Victor was held responsible for his murder. Victor lies in a delirium of fever and confusion. When Victor finally emerges from his delirium he immediately asks after the safety of Elizabeth. His fathers presence slowly begins to regain his health and after getting through such a dilemma, he marry Elizabeth but just before his wedding night, Elizabeth was murdered and ruined by the creature. Mary Shelley wants the reader to realize that no human has the power to create another being and if it becomes possible, the resultant would nothing but the evil who will, unlike humans not consider his creator to be his master. I, however agree with this fact that only God has the power to create beings, therefore they could not threaten him. I agree upon the truth the writer wanted the